Umbundu education obviously has points of contact with a progressive conception of Christian education. Among those elements of Umbundu education which may be built upon by missionary education, this chapter three: The Umbundu conception of character, educational method as actual participation in real life situations, and educational 'content' as life itself—all of life. The Umbundu concept of character as successful functioning, achievement of personality by a process of social integration, is congenial to progressive character education. Umbundu life is relatively simple, decidedly poor, almost infinitely less complex than ours. Nevertheless, many instrumentalities can be made to contribute to education. In meeting the educational requirements of government, Christian education must shape its own policy and purpose with great care lest it fail to retain its creative Christian character. Fundamental to the formation of sound policy and more basic than the adaptation of Umbundu method or content in education is organization within the kinship system and the natural social structure.