Throughout Togoland, as in Ashanti and the Northern Territories, there is a confirmed belief in the existence of mischief-loving dwarfs. The Ashanti call them mmotia and in the north they are known as kulparga or chichiriga, the words differing dialectically in each tribal division. In any case most folk-lorists accept that as an explanation for the almost universal belief in a race of dwarf fairies. There is told a story in this connexion concerning the large tree which stands at the entrance to the drive leading up to the bungalow known as Number Two on the ridge at Tamale. Now it so happened that when the latter drew near the tree he saw three very small children on the road, and when they were passing he asked them what they were doing. Another story of Kulparga living in trees is told by a certain man who used to live at Palbe on the Great North Road.