Several commonalities seem to exist across feminist mobilizations within organized religions. First, with respect to location, feminists within churches tend to organize themselves at the margins of their faiths, since they are rarely present (if not absent) in the main decision-making bodies, and in general (but with exceptions) they are not allowed to lead principal rituals and ceremonies. Second, regarding goals, all religious feminists fight for the improvement of women’s position within faiths. But many religious feminists pursue additional goals not restricted to their own churches (or gender), for instance, social justice causes. Third, as concerns the repertoire of activities, religious feminists utilize a broad variety of them, including ritual innovation, feminist theology or international conferences. Fourth, in respect of allies, since men occupy most (if not all) prominent positions within organized religions, feminist women of faith had to confront the question of whether to count on male allies or not. Finally, as for outcomes, religious feminists have won some battles, including access to priesthood in some faiths, but lost (for the moment) many of the battles fought. An important legacy left by religious feminists to next generations is cultural and includes the body of feminist theological writings.