This chapter analyses the feminist and queer activisms organised in Spain in the context of the financial crisis and austerity politics, focusing on the assemblies which are part of the Indignadxs movement, also called the 15-M which emerged in 2011. To explain the political work carried out by feminist and queer activisms inside the 15-M from its beginning, I analyse the Transfaggotdyke assembly (la Asamblea Transmaricabollo de Sol), and its relation to Feminismos Sol (the feminist assembly), since its creation during the Acampada Sol in 2011. The methodology of this research includes the analysis of the discourse and actions of the assembly together with participatory observation (I have been part of the assembly from 2012 until today). I explain the broader context for understanding these mobilisations in Southern Europe, their political genealogies, the conflicts within 15-M and also the collective learnings, arguing that these activisms have made an important contribution in making visible and incorporating queer and feminist demands and repertoire of actions to the 15-M and social protest in general. I argue that these are not ‘marginal’ or ‘particular’ issues, but a significant process that I have called the queering of the protest.