Community- Based Tourism (CBT) is an approach that has been used to a large extent by many countries to develop rural/ village livelihoods communities and better the wellbeing of the people through increased options from the CBTs. Likewise, Botswana has taken a similar approach but through a framework named Community -based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM). CBNRM in Botswana has been implemented in several regions across the country and communities have somewhat benefited from the projects. However, when it comes to responsibly managing the projects, it appears that there is and has been a lack of Responsible Management Approach for the CBNRMs. A need arises to allocate responsibilities equitably to relevant stakeholders in order to have proper accountability for the projects. This chapter advocates for a Responsible Tourism Management Approach in order to have effective CBNRM results. A secondary literature review analysis, which included documentary reviews, article reviews etc was used to write up this chapter. CBNRM has been existing in Botswana for about 25 years to date under the governance of the Wildlife Conservation Policy of 1986, Wildlife Conservation Policy of 2013 and the CBNRM policy of 2007. These policies showed initiatives towards responsible management approach though the use of stakeholder management committees. Mostly, CBNRM was founded on hunting activities. However, in 2014 the government of Botswana issued a hunting bun which left communities that depended on hunting livelihoods stranded in terms of their economic well-being. An analysis of the mentioned policies reveals gaps in the following areas; limited skills transfer, no devolution of power, inadequate resource benefits, challenged with private partners, legislation housed in different government departments, overdependence on hunting and the unclear role of Botswana Tourism Organisation’s (BTO) in CBNRM projects. The analysis points towards a Responsible Community Based Tourism Approach solution. Stakeholders, who are the government, local communities and private sector must come together, be allocated clearly defined roles and responsibilities accordingly in order to mitigate the gaps identified in the policies and implementation of the policies. Under this framework there is need clearly hold each stakeholder accountable for their role and its delivery or failure.