David Wechsler's specialism was in Korsakoff psychosis, which is the memory loss associated with chronic alcoholism. While awaiting his army draft, David worked as a volunteer, scoring the Army Alpha and Beta tests that were being rolled out by the Yerkes testing programme. When the war finally ended David was posted to England to study with Karl Pearson and Charles Spearman. David completed his PhD under Woodworth in 1925 and continued to practice psychological testing, both privately and for the Psychological Corporation. In 1932 David was soon able to explore his ideas in more detail when was appointed chief psychologist at the Bellevue Hospital in New York. Despite contrasting perspectives on the nature of intelligence and abilities, its correlations and causality, David Wechsler’s perspective was clear. In 1933 to Florence Helen ‘Freda’ Felske, but she was killed three weeks after their wedding in a car accident. David was married again in 1939 to Ruth Anne Halpern.