Cosmas of Prague called an eponymous hero of Bohemia Bohemus. Seeking places suitable for human habitation, whoever the man was who later entered these solitudes, he surveyed with keen sight the mountains, valleys, and wastes and located their first settlement around Mt. Rip between two rivers, namely, the Ohre and Vltava. The latter possibility seems preferable, since a forefather of the Czechs, Cech, appears in a role parallel to Bohemus of Cosmas in The Chronicle of Dalimil. Cosmas of Prague calls the next generation's hero Krok, but does not indicate any kinship ties between him and Cech: One particular man had arisen among them, called Krok, after whom a castle is known to have been named, located in the forest adjacent to Ztibecna and now overrun by trees. Krok is said to have had three daughters: Kazi, Tetka, and Libuse.