Establishing accurate and inclusive understandings of human sexuality at an early age may prevent the development of prejudices based on inaccurate or incomplete information. This chapter explores what sexology has to offer for schooling, specifically at the early childhood level. Drawing upon the current state of the field of substantive sexology as it has developed in Spain as part of a broader historical trajectory of European thought and research, we will review some materials that have been produced for young children. Rather than treat trans experience as a specific problem limited to a minority of people who need special attention, these approaches see the problem as social in nature—deriving from a collective ignorance that, as such, must be addressed through accurate and comprehensive education. Such an education is not just for (potential) trans or intersex children but is simply a reflection of the diversity inherent in human sexual reality. If we understand queer as questioning the limits of our understandings and critically interrogating whose experience gets systematically left out, then a sexological perspective on human sexuality can contribute to a queer pedagogical project.