Cosmopolitanism challenges cartographies of exclusion based on teleologies, theodicies, and ontologies that support exceptionalisms and invidious hierarchies. If cosmopolitanism in general challenges the cartographies that exclude other human beings from the community of humanity, the interspecies cosmopolitanism challenges the most fundamental of cartographies, namely that which draws a boundary between human animals and non-human animals. Interspecies cosmopolitics is an autre-mondialisation, a worlding of entangled vulnerabilities, caring, touching, co-dependences, acknowledged having become-with as companions. The ethics of co-habitation entailed by an interspecies cosmopolitanism requires that one descend down the scala naturae of both Christianity and evolutionary biology into the messy world of companion species. Cosmopolitanism has been stripped of the metaphysical baggage and has been analyzed in much more abstemious philosophemes. Cosmopolitanism calls for a post-metaphysical stance, and post-metaphysics finds its lingua franca in cosmopolitanism. Post-metaphysical critical theory has matured not simply to a post-secular stance, but also to a post-anthropocentric moral and legal consideration of life.