An intensive investigation is performed to estimate the amount of concentration in their respective solution using both 2D and 3D photonic crystal (PC) structures using a plane wave expansion technique, where PCs manipulate with square, triangular, and honeycomb structure. Moreover, the present analysis accomplished with different sorts of materials to realize an accurate investigation of biomedical parameter. In addition to this, a literature survey related to the working of PC structure is appropriately explored. A case study is also discussed intensively pertaining to an example of hemoglobin in human blood. Further, a thorough examination is disclosed for PAM hydrogel sucrose solution. Moreover, the concentration of hemoglobin in human blood, glucose in intralipid, cygel strengths in their aqueous, and glucose in human blood are estimated through bandgap and transmitted energy analysis. Finally, the Proteus simulation is made with respect to the above-said parameters to see the output potential.