This chapter first discusses the role of materials in ESP and how best to evaluate them. Next, it explains how to adopt, adapt, or create effective materials for the ESP classroom based on the needs of different stakeholders and the limitations in terms of the resources and time available. Then, the chapter explains how technologies such as corpus software tools can help to prepare suitable materials, even in highly subject-specific target settings. The chapter then discusses how materials affect teaching methods. Here, the chapter presents a review of traditional and novel teaching methods that are particularly well-suited to EAP and EOP contexts where learner cohorts might be extremely homogenous groups with a narrow and clearly defined goal, or wide, extremely heterogeneous groups with broad, less well-defined goals. Then, it discusses how corpus software tools can facilitate teaching and learning in the ESP classroom as part of a Data-Driven Learning (DDL) approach. Finally, the chapter discusses the topic of authenticity in materials and methods design, explaining why authentic materials are often preferred but also how they can sometimes cause problems for both instructors and learners.