This chapter delves into the quality of national ownership in Bangladesh's Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP) as a development agenda. It presents an overview of Bangladesh's PRSP: targets, goals, key issues in building strategies, monitoring and evaluation features and Joint Staff Advisory Note. The chapter reviews the official position in PRSP formulation and analyzes the real scenario of ownership by examining various key issues. It aims to assess the quality of engagement of various key actors in the process which should indicate the reality of national ownership. Bangladesh government made special institutional provisions to create a full-blown PRSP. While the Economic Relations Division (ERD) of the Ministry of Finance prepared the I-PRSP, the main task of preparing the PRSP was bestowed upon the General Economics Division (GED) of the Planning Commission. The National Poverty Focal Point (NPFP) in the General Economics Division of the Planning Commission selected the participants for what it claimed would make the consultation participatory.