Oakforest-PACS is a large scale cluster system installed on December 2016 which was recorded as a new Japan’s fastest supercomputer on TOP500 List on Novemeber 2016 overcoming the previous record set by the K Computer. Oakforest-PACS is a large scale PC cluster with the latest technology for CPU and interconnection as in 2016, where Intel Xeon Phi and Intel Omni Path Architecture were introduced for the world largest cluster based on these technologies. Interface for Heterogeneous Kernels (IHK)/McKernel is a lightweight multi-kernel operating system that runs Linux and a lightweight kernel simultaneously on many-core CPUs. IHK/McKernel has primarily the following three advantages: Since IHK/McKernel does not require Linux kernel modifications, it is easily deployable to production environments in supercomputer centers. The Fixed Work Quanta benchmark, provided by Sandia National Laboratory, reports how much the execution times of fixed work quantas deviate.