“Piz Daint” is the flagship supercomputer of the Swiss National Supercomputing Center (CSCS) and the workhorse of the “User Lab”, a high-performance computing research infrastructure that serves science in Switzerland and Europe. CSCS is a unit of ETH Zurichi, one of Europe’s leading universities. CSCS would attempt to leverage technology development of the DARPA High Performance High Productivity program in terms of programming environments, packaging technologies and networks. The Piz Daint system, in its current incarnation, is a heterogeneous system composed of two distinct Cray XC series components merged together to form one system. CSCS has a non-redundant 16kV power feed with a capacity of up to 25MW from the local sub-station that is located 25m behind the data centre. CSCS’s mission is to enable world-class scientific research by pioneering, operating and supporting leading-edge supercomputing technologies. CSCS has had a data mover service that takes care of file transfer from within CSCS to the outside world and vice versa.