This chapter looks at some of the factors which affect aspiration specifically and at ways in which schools can work with parents, both from disadvantaged backgrounds but also from high-achieving ones, to the opportunities their children have in today’s world. It discusses a scheme to encourage young people into the elite set of Russell Group universities who may not have considered applying otherwise and at a school where inclusion strategy included a focus on engaging parents in order to raise aspirations across a community. The ROAR programme at St Edmund Arrowsmith RC High School, a voluntary-aided 1–16 school with around 1,200 pupils in Wigan, has run for three years. Cotgrave Candleby Lane School is a high-achieving primary in south Nottinghamshire and part of the Flying High Trust. In 2012, Chris Wheatley, then executive head, instigated a new school improvement strategy. A lot of the trust schools also have their own two-year-old provision and nurseries on site.