Antubociu, a place about seven miles east of Maua Market, Maua Location, Nyambene Division, is the residence of the present Mugwe. The place can also be referred to as Ancenge, from the name of the clan of its inhabitants. In Tigania the office of the Mugwe obtains among the Igoki-Urio division. Among the Athwana-Umotho division it is paralleled by the office of the Mukiama. The past Agwe are still quite well remembered by the Tharaka elders. The authority of the Mugwe extended over all the territory of the Tharaka, including the Thagichu beyond Tana River. The function of the assistant Agwe was to act as local officers, in their own territory. The presence of the Mugwe, as a leading dignitary, can be considered typical of the genuine Meru structure. The office of the Mugwe is very closely associated with the formation of the age-classes and the structure of the age-system.