Many online, television and print advertisements use English for its fashion value. SAS, the Scandinavian airline company, for example, produces TV commercials for the home market which show long sequences of Scandinavian scenery and customs ending with the slogan ‘It’s Scandinavian’. English is increasingly used as a corporate or company language in multinational corporations, including corporations headquartered outside the inner and outer circles. Students or their parents may like to see courses in, for example, business studies, taught in English so that they learn the language along with the subject. Like many languages of South-east Asia, Vietnamese is an isolating language, expressing grammatical functions by word order rather than word structure. Vietnamese conventions clearly colour the use of language, in ways partially shared with various other South-east Asian countries. Russian English is exonormative, that is, its features do not have particular importance for identity, and are mainly the result of the Russian language substrate.