Increase in global population, drastic changes in the environment, soil degradation and decrease in quality and quantity of agricultural productivity warranted us to adapt sustainable farming practices. This book focuses on soil health management and creating biased rhizosphere that can effectively augment the needs of sustainable agriculture.

section Section I|1 pages

Soil Basics

chapter 1|24 pages

Introduction to Sustainable Agriculture

chapter 2|42 pages

Soil Formation and Classification

chapter 3|22 pages

Physical Properties of Soil

chapter 4|22 pages

Chemical Properties of Soil

chapter 5|30 pages

Introduction to Soil Water Systems

section Section II|1 pages

Soil management for sustainable agriculture

section Section III|1 pages

Plant Nutrients and Biopesticides

chapter 13|40 pages

Plant Mineral Nutrients

chapter 14|30 pages

Chemical Fertilizers and Fertigation

chapter 15|18 pages

Organic Fertilizers

chapter 17|23 pages

Biopesticides for Integrated Pest Management

section Section IV|1 pages

Soil Organisms in Sustainable Agriculture

section Section V|1 pages

Soil, Water, and Plant Relations

chapter 19|25 pages

Plant Forms and Functions

chapter 20|21 pages

Plant Growth and Development

chapter 22|29 pages

Water Absorption and Transport in Plants

chapter 23|40 pages

Abiotic Stress

Plants Response to Moisture and Salt Stresses

section Section VI|1 pages

Rhizosphere Engineering for Sustainable Agriculture

chapter 24|23 pages

Rhizosphere Structure and Rhizodeposition

chapter 25|26 pages

Rhizosphere Interactions

A Network of Plants, Microbes, and Soil

chapter 26|29 pages

Rhizosphere Engineering

Enhancing Sustainable Plant Ecosystem

chapter 27|26 pages


A Promising Rhizosphere Technology