Soil formation is one of the fundamental processes priming the evolution of life on Earth. Soil is a basic resource supporting agriculture, forestry, and habitats for soil organisms; it is a natural filter for the collection and movement of water. Soil consists of sand, silt, and clay, but loamy soil is desirable for agricultural purposes. Evolution of true soil from regolith takes place through the combined action of soil forming factors and processes. Development of a soil profile is a constructive process where disintegrated materials resulting from the weathering of rocks are converted into a soil body, which further develops into layers known as horizons—collectively known as a soil profile. The aim of a soil survey is to provide comprehensive information on soils and an inventory of soil resources. It consists of studying and recording important characteristics of soils in the field laboratory, classifying them into defined units, and locating their extent and boundaries on a map. The interpretation of soil data for use in agriculture yields information on how to evolve a rational land use plan in a given area, and to correlate the characteristics of soils of known behavior, and predict their adaptability to various uses.