This chapter suggests that progressive researchers to employ performance-driven research dissemination strategies and approaches such as ‘data verbalization’ rooted within the ‘bricolage’ tradition. The French word ‘bricoleur’ describes an individual who makes use of the tools available to complete a task. Bricolage offers all researchers endless possibilities for change, transformation, alongside recognizing that multi-stranded research dissemination approaches can accommodate the complex nature of modern living. Performance-driven research methods such as data verbalization should enable the researcher to immerse themselves fully in the practice of making artistic choices from academic data. The chapter argues that the need to engage researchers in a dialogue that moves research dissemination beyond the confines of the academy using a ‘bricolage’ approach with relation to the sharing of research data. It concludes by calling for the acknowledgement of the need to develop bricolage and the researcher’s imagination, much the same as C. Wright-Mills, the sociological imagination.