Monitoring and exposure data are critical to accurately determine the impact of pesticides and environmental contaminants on human health. Uncertainties in the assessment of human exposures to exogenous compounds may be reduced using data obtained from dietary, epidemiological, and environmental monitoring measurement studies. Faster and more cost-effective analytical methods can facilitate the collection of data concerning particular target analytes that may impact human health and the environment. All immunochemical methods are based on selective antibodies combining with a particular target analyte or analyte group. Immunochemical methods can either be performed independently or coupled with other analytical techniques to produce powerful tandem methods for pesticide analysis. Organophosphorus pesticides may be detected in a number of ways including potentiometric or amperometric methods. Future research that may enhance the use of immunoassays and immunosensors for pesticide analysis is the development of novel antibodies for individual pesticide compounds, as well as reagents for more multi-analyte analyses.