Subsurface investigation is the most important phase of any civil engineering construction or development activity. Since the geologic conditions can be extremely complex, variable, and subject to change with time, soil test borings and in-situ tests are employed to obtain subsoil information. Standard penetration test is the most common in-situ test method. It is conducted during drilling to determine the soil resistance at various depths. Cone penetration test is considered one of the most popular and effective in-situ tests. It provides continuous profiling of subsoils at a particular test location. The pressure meter test is an in-situ load test conducted within a borehole. The flat dilatometer test provides at-rest lateral stresses, elastic modulus, and shear strength of in-situ soils, using the pressure readings from an inserted plate. The vane shear test is conducted to estimate the peak and remolded undrained shear strength of soft-to-medium stiff clays. The chapter also presents an overview of key concepts discussed in this book.