The vast world of technology and engineering science are witnessing immense scientific challenges and deep scientific farsightedness. Science and technology are today in the process of scientific rejuvenation and scientific revamping. Chemical process engineering, petroleum engineering science, and other diverse areas of science and engineering are the scientific challenges of today’s research pursuit. Evolutionary computation (EC) and applied mathematical tools are the necessities of scientific endeavor today. EC encompasses genetic algorithm (GA), multiobjective optimization (MOO), and multiobjective simulated annealing. The science of MOO and GA are witnessing immense scientific challenges and barriers. In this chapter, the author deeply comprehends the vast scientific genesis, the scientific profundity, and the scientific fortitude behind EC. EC is the next generation science and engineering endeavor. In this chapter, the author rigorously focuses on the scientific intricacies, the scientific hindrances, and the vast needs of EC and evolutionary programming. Human ingenuity and scientific farsightedness are the forerunners toward a newer visionary era in the EC application to human society and science and technology in general. The vast vision and the vast scientific provenance behind EC are leading human civilization and 4human scientific research pursuit toward a newer realm. Today, petroleum engineering systems and chemical engineering systems are at deep stake due to environmental disasters, unsound environmental engineering tools, and depletion of fossil-fuel resources. This chapter pointedly focuses on the immense scientific success and vast scientific efficiency of EC in designing chemical and petroleum engineering systems. Scientific vision and scientific subtleties are the veritable hallmarks of this well-researched chapter.