There is an ever-increasing demand for tailoring the design process to eliminate the difficulties in manufacturing and minimizing the various associated costs. This has given rise to the ascent of concept of design for manufacturing (DFM). However, design for additive (DFM) capabilities need rethinking owing to the unique nature of Additive Manufacturing (AM) techniques where there is a demand for customization at different levels. Design for assembly and manufacturing is the most widely utilized conventional design approach. Though it is seemingly simple to understand, yet its implementation requires a lot of prior knowledge of assembly manufacturing. This in turn requires incorporation of many skills and tools for its successful practice. Industry practices, rules database and consistent research as well as upgrading are the three most important aspects of DFA/DFM. Many researchers have covered and presented various important aspects of design for AM including but not restricted to design methodology, cellular materials, compliant systems, production considerations and multi-material and multifunctional parts.