The perspectival space of scenic landscape thus characteristically creates a dialectical hybrid consisting of, an invisible, lawful, geometric spatial framework expressing a modern scientific rationality, and, a visible and holistic but illusory visual scene of organic nature, place, and community appealing to reactionary affect, nostalgia, and emotion. As with Blackness the element of air plays a key role in unifying the elements into a quintessential whole, not unlike Heidegger’s phenomenological essence of landscape. The mapped space of the nation-state provides a modernizing vision, whereas the landskap, when transformed into a landscape scene, creates an affective image of tradition rooted reactively in the past and in nature. The diabolic dance macabre, as Hagerstrand recognized, thus lies in the gap between his intentions and the form of graphic representation that time geographers used, and this is the duplicitous problem with scenic spatial landscape representation.