Every generation has employees who range from uninspired and lacking motivation to dedicated and hardworking, so categorizing all Millennials as the same is misguided. There are a few overarching truths about Millennials that are causing challenges. Millennials are different from every other generation in the workplace, leaders struggle to manage Millennials effectively, and businesses are placing emphasis on the wrong activities to motivate Millennials. Millennials bring a new set of burdens that extend far beyond what the typical manager is accustomed to handling. Companies must adapt their management style to keep their Millennials or expect to see continued high rates of attrition that will cost them dearly. Many companies attempt to actively engage Millennials. Millennials are a new breed of employee that has great potential. Millennials are unique, and though each generation has distinct characteristics that bring with them unique challenges, it seems that Millennials carry a new set of behavioral traits that are outside the norm for managers.