The traditional Indian routes to the Karakoram pass are across the Saser pass in summer and over the frozen Shyok river in winter while Saser pass is 30 to 40 miles west of the Chinese claim line. The Shyok River route is only a few miles from Line of Actual Control, well inside the Indian territory. China had captured all areas up to its 1960 claim line, which more or less mirrored the position in Aksai Chin on 7 November 1959, and then proceeded to withdraw 20 km from it after the unilateral ceasefire. India wanted China to move back to the positions of 8 September 1962 and then wanted a 20 km withdrawal; however China rejected the suggestion. In the 1950s the Indian republic published maps showing a Sinkiyang–Kashmir boundary which was in effect a compromise between the British extremes of Raskam and Shakasgam valley line and the 1899 line.