To prepare for delivery, assemble all the delivery requirements for domestic and foreign delivery. If you are an independent, review what you will need for exhibition and any additional screeners. It’s important to know who will receive each item, where they are located, and if there are any box or file requirements. Networks or studios will provide a packet, digital or hard copy that will outline all the details of who, what, when and where. Some distributors have facilities to make digital materials or even sound elements at a reduced rate. Make a list of all the requirements needed. This will help in the duplication process and save time. Delivery consists of more than a digital master. You will have to collect scripts, cue sheets, act timing sheets, contracts, residual reports and many more legal materials. Being organized, and creating inventories and logs to help locate and identify material, will make it easier for you and the distributor. Access to the master materials will also have to be granted. If the producer retains the rights, masters must be retained for future distribution deals. If the rights are sold into distribution, all materials will be delivered per the distributor’s instructions.