Adverbs can be divided into several categories as regards meaning and use. Traditionally, adverbs have been categorised as adverbs of time, manner, place or degree and as modal or clausal adverbs. Adverbs may, however, also be categorised according to their function, as adjuncts, conjuncts and disjuncts. The heterogeneity of adverbs is most apparent with regard to their different functions. While some adverbs are semantically independent, for example the adverbs of manner, others need a context in order for their meaning to be established. As in the case of pronouns, the meaning of these adverbs is determined by their context. Notice that interrogative adverbs introduce both direct and indirect questions that are both main and subordinate clauses. Clausal adverbs modify the clause as a whole rather than a particular word or phrase in the clause. Conjunctional adverbs are conjuncts and link clauses in a similar way to coordinating and subordinating conjunctions.