The PLATO computer system at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign links over 2,000 graphical display terminals to Control Data Corporation Cyber 73 computers. The keyset is composed of the standard typewriter characters plus special function keys by which the user controls the flow of PLATO computer-based Dilemma Counseling System (DCS) materials. PLATO DCS allows for individualized teaching where by students can work at their own pace, review material of their own choosing, and seek help when the necessity arises. PLATO DCS can provide praise and encouragement contingent on specific responses, much as a human counselor might do. Exploration of reactions to PLATO DCS concerns user's evaluations regarding the personal acceptance of computer counseling, effectiveness of PLATO DCS as a teacher of a method of solving psychological problems, and effectiveness of PLATO DCS as a counselor for a current troubling psychological dilemma.