This chapter examines the ways in which specific forms of sexual ideology, in articulation with those processes, are structured in terms of patriarchal relations. It defines patriarchal relations as encompassing: fertility control, control over sexuality, over procreation, over a woman's labour power, and over the labour power of children. The chapter also focuses on two government reports and one piece of 'official ideology': the Beveridge Report on Social Insurance and Allied Services, the Wolfenden Report on Homosexual Offences and Female Prostitution, and Newsom's book The Education of Girls. All instances touch upon the same matrix of practices: marriage, the family, sexuality and procreation, understood through a particular set of ideologies. State legislation, sociology and the political writings which have emerged from the Gay Movement and the Women's Movement have consistently located the definition of sexual 'deviancy' or 'perversion' in its relation to the norm of heterosexual relations legitimised within the family.