Stephen Tomlinson describes political relations among teachers, administrators, and researchers embedded in Edward Lee Thorndike's eugenicist worldview. Gustav Bergmann uses the cognitive-non-cognitive distinction to describe non-ideological social science and ideological social science. Advantages of John Dewey's ideas are plain; and may be summed up by saying that Dewey's law promises educational abundance, the proliferation of educational energy throughout the strata and segments of schooling. Implementation of Dewey's law takes on importance as a collective bargaining issue for teachers because of the political agenda implied by use of the universal law of educational energy. Dewey's law levels the politics of schools. Teachers taking charge of curriculum at the scene of instruction may be the point on which political success will turn in the struggle for teacher professionalism. The paradigm joins pure and applied research in education by focusing research attention on a subject matter, teacher success, in which teachers take a natural interest.