Tried-and-true approaches no longer work against the force of accelerated change. Technical innovations, global communications, and fierce competition can bring changes overnight that once took decades or even centuries to manifest themselves. New Age executives take advantage of accelerated change with versatility and focus. To better anticipate changes, versatile executives seize opportunities to incorporate change into their personal and professional lifestyles. Toshiba Corporation, the Japanese electrical equipment maker, has had trouble adapting to change in the early 1980s. Resistance to change can become as ingrained a habit as that baggy old sweater one wears until it disintegrates. Once the learner have learned to welcome change, adapting to it becomes a lot easier than resisting it. Digital Equipment Corp.’s lack of versatility blinded it to change in the computer industry. Anticipating change and preparing oneself for adaptation through versatility solves only half the change equation. The other half involves actually implementing change in one's organization.