Pragmatic Variation in Service Encounter Interactions across the Spanish-Speaking World expands the study of service encounter interactions into new face-to-face and digital contexts and new (sub)varieties of Spanish.

The chapters examine pragmatic variation in a range of contexts, representing ten countries and twelve (sub)varieties of Spanish. Part I explores macrosocial factors such as region, gender, age, and social class, while Part II focuses on microsocial and situational factors. Part III concludes the volume with theoretical and methodological contributions to the field.

This volume will be of particular interest to advanced students and researchers of Spanish and Linguistics.

part I|2 pages

Pragmatic variation according to macrosocial factors

chapter 2|20 pages

Corner-store interactions in Cartagena and Bucaramanga

A variational pragmatics study

chapter 3|22 pages

“No gracias amigo”:

Refusals of bargaining offers in e-service encounters in Mercado Libre Ecuador and Mercado Libre Venezuela

part II|2 pages

Pragmatic variation according to microsocial and situational factors

chapter 11|21 pages

Interpersonal work in service encounters in Mercado Libre Argentina:

A comparison between buyer and vendor patterns across two market domains

part III|2 pages

Theoretical and methodological issues

chapter 13|14 pages

Rethinking pragmatic variation:

The case of service encounters from a modified variational pragmatics perspective

chapter 14|13 pages

Pragmatic variation in service encounter complaints:

Some methodological issues