Hull suggested forming a new group of viruses with properties similar to those of carnation mottle virus. In 1987 the carmovirus group was compiled by the ICTV. Properties of viruses within the carmovirus group have been reviewed by Morris and Carrington. Carmoviruses may be transmitted mechanically or via vegetative propagation, soil, seed, and beetles. Carmoviruses induce cytoplasmic inclusions; however, there is not enough information available to support decisions about the use of the inclusions for diagnostic purposes. Blackgram mottle virus (B1GMV) has been described by Phatak and by Scott and Phatak, and its properties have been reviewed by Scott and Hoy. The B1GMV has been assigned as a possible member of the carmovirus group. Cowpea mottle virus (CMoV) was described in 1966, and its properties were reviewed by Bozarth and Shoyinka. The virus has been assigned to the carmovirus group as a possible member.