This chapter provides an overview of current studies in the field of cryogenics. The application of cryogenics to recycling and processing is so new that this list of studies is incomplete. Cryogenics provides the necessary technology for the effective recovery, separation, and reuse of all materials used in the tire. Cryogenics provides the necessary technology for the effective recovery, separation, and reuse of all materials used in the tire. Cryogenics aids in making rubber from used tires available for recycling purposes. The application of cryogenics for the recovery of used rubber from such hard-to-process items like steel belted tires has made available adequate supplies of rubber materials for improved. Conventional cryogenically processed rubber particles will not stay mixed with the soil so they are not a good soil conditioner. Mixtures of cryogenically processed rubber particles have been tested as absorbent materials for hydrocarbons. Cryogenic technology makes possible the reclaiming of rubber from tires in general and steel radial tires.