Cornus is a genus of some 45 species of usually deciduous trees or shrubs. They are native to North America, Europe, and Asia, and rare but present in South America and Africa. Cornus is a member of the family Cornaceae. As ornamentals in horticulture they are grown as shrub borders and as specimen plants for the color of their flowers, leaves, and stems, and for unusual growth habit. The recommended species for flower color are C. mas L., C. rugosa Lam., C. racemosa Lam., C. kousa Hance., C.florida, L., C. nuttallii Audub., and C. capitata Wallich. Those recommended for leaf color are C. alba L. cv Spaethii, C. alba cv Elegantissima, and C. mas cv Aurea Elegantissima. Species grown for colorful stems include C. alba, C. alba cv Sibirica, and C. sericea L. cv Flaviramea. Those recommended for unusual growth habit include C. controversa Hemsl., C. macrophylla Wallich, C. rugosa, and C. hessei. 3