NetWare 3 was one of the most successful network operating systems (NOSs) in history, especially in terms of market share. This chapter discusses NetWare 3’s history, some reasons it is still a significant force in the market, its architecture, what files are needed to bring up a NetWare 3 server, what software is needed to connect to and manage a NetWare 3 server, and other optional software that extends and enhances the capabilities of a NetWare 3 server. At its peak popularity NetWare 3 was running on 80% of PC-based servers worldwide. Studies indicate that NetWare 3 still runs on 40% of PC-based servers worldwide. Even with all the hype about NetWare 4, UNIX, and Windows NT, NetWare 3 is run on more PC-based servers than any other network operating systems. Novell predicts that NetWare 3 will continue to sell worldwide into the year 2000. One of the primary reasons NetWare 3 continues to sell is its low hardware requirements.