With the recent development of direct genome sequencing using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique/ some have questioned the need to construct recombinant DNA clone banks. Direct sequencing of PCR-amplified cDNAs and genomic DNAs has already added greatly to our ability to obtain nucleotide sequence information rapidly.810 With the existence oftwo different procedures that can be used to analyze coding and noncoding DNAs, researchers must decide which method is better suited for their goals. For example, if the eDNA and corresponding gene region is small, I to 2 kb, the PCR approach may well be the best approach; on the other hand if the eDNA or gene region is large, above 10 kb, then the cloning approach may be better suited. In the case of cloning cDNAs that represent very rare mRNA species (about one copy/cell) the combined use of both techniques can be very useful. 11 Which method to use also depends on the experience and expertise of the researcher.