For the determination of airborne polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), there exist several alternative methods of sampling and numerous analytical methods. In selecting a method for the analysis of PAH in workplace atmosphere, one must choose from a wide variety of alternatives, ranging from the mere determination of the total weight of material collected on a filter, to the analysis of all identifiable components. This chapter presents some methods which are either widely used or which have been thoroughly checked. The first method describes the determination of the cyclohexane- (or benzene-) extractable fraction of airborne particles as an index for the presence of PAH with carcinogenic properties. The second method is based on the fluorometric determination of benzo(a)pyrene (BaP) after thin-layer chromatographic separation. High-performance liquid chromatography offers several advantages for the determination of PAH in complex mixtures. A variety of stationary phases are available that provide differing selectivities for PAH isomers.