The gulley is the most obvious and spectacular form of soil erosion as it causes large, unsightly gashes in the landscape. The two principal types are the so-called V and U gullies. V-shaped gullies often develop from rill erosion, when the water is concentrated from several rills into one channel. The best way to avoid the formation of gullies is to protect the area by contour cultivation, strip cropping, and where necessary, terracing. If the gulley is not long, it may be possible to run a diversion channel around the head of it to prevent surface runoff from entering while other control measures become established. The U-type gulley is recognized by its U-shaped cross section. Since the longitudinal slope of the channel is small and parallel to the slope of the land, the most effective first step is to try to raise the baseline by means of a series of permanent, impermeable drop structures.