This chapter presents a critical analysis of the possible methods for the preparation of telechelic oligomers. Almost any organic function can be used in step-growth polymerization, and all known reactions of organic chemistry can, in principle, lead to macromolecules when applied to systems with sufficiently high functionality. Many authors have claimed to obtain well-defined reactive oligomers when carrying out reactions at stoichiometric balance. Thus, D. Judas prepared oligoesters with aromatic or unsaturated acid end-groups. Oligocondensation products are very often mixtures of oligomers with different numbers of terminal groups; thus V. V. Eureinov. J. K. Stille and J. P. Droske prepared biphenylene end-capped polyquinolines in two steps: synthesis of oligoquinolines with amino ketone end-groups by polycondensation and chemical modification of the end-groups. Highly conjugated oligomers know an important development in thermostable polymers and composites. There are many ways to determine the functionality of soluble oligomers.