Relaxation of glass properties in a wide temperature interval has two main characteristic features. The relaxation is nonexponential vs. time and is always described by a stretched exponential law (214), where the exponent index β increases and approaches 1 with the increases. The relaxation is nonexponential vs. temperature and in the majority of cases over a wide temperature range the relaxation time τK does not conform to the Arrhenius law, ( ) τ K =τ 0  exp ( b/T ) https://s3-euw1-ap-pe-df-pch-content-public-p.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/9781351077286/2f51899c-87f0-465d-b4f5-93b9b017b3cc/content/eq593.tif"/> The values of τ0 and b change with temperature in approximately the same way as the viscosity parameters do. There is presently a tendency to connect these features, especially the latter one, with the same circumstances, giving rise to the peculiar temperature dependence of the viscosity.