Effects of zinc on the biological activity of adrenal and gonadal steroids, as well as pituitary hormones, are well documented. As with insulin, the significance of the interaction of zinc with steroids and steroid-releasing hormones is partly due to its ability to prolong the biological activity of hormones. This chapter addresses the relationship between zinc and steroids and polypeptide hormones and enkephalins. Research on the interaction between zinc and the adrenal steroids has indicated that, in general, their blood levels are inversely related; blood levels of adrenal steroids are increased in zinc deficiency, while excess adrenal steroids, example, in Cushing's syndrome or with steroid supplementation, cause plasma zinc levels to be decreased. The hypozincemic effect of adrenal steroids is particularly relevant to clinical zinc nutrition because so many pathological, as well as physiological, conditions are associated with hypozincemic. Zinc is secreted with insulin and is essential for its release.