A method for the induction of haploid in vivo is distant hybridization or alien fertilization. Due to the importance of haploid angiospermous plants in fundamental as well as applied research, induction of haploids in vitro, employing the technique of tissue and cell culture, has attracted considerable attention. The culture of anthers for the induction of haploid plants is a simple technique. The precise function of cold treatment and its mode of action remains to be worked out. It is essential to do so because cold treatment is a key determinant in the induction of pollen plants. Although a large number of factors are known to affect formation of pollen plants, an understanding of the process of induction, how a pollen can be diverted towards a sporophytic mode instead of gametophytic one, is far from complete. This basic information will not only be helpful for achieving higher induction frequencies, but will also help in the induction of haploids in recalcitrant types.