The luteovirus group was compiled by the ICTV. Properties of the luteoviruses have been reviewed by Rochow and Duffus, Francki and co-workers, D'Arcy, Johnstone and McLean, Casper, Waterhouse and co-workers, and Duffus and co-workers. Luteo virus-induced inclusions occur as particle aggregates, sometimes in crystalline arrays in phloem cytoplasm and vacuoles. Some luteoviruses also induce nuclear inclusions of particle aggregates, sometimes in crystalline arrays. The inclusions stain green in the O-G combination and red to magenta in Azure A. Luteoviruses reported in natural infections of legumes are bean leaf roll virus, beet western yellows virus, groundnut rosette assistor virus, Indonesian soybean dwarf virus, milk vetch dwarf virus, and soybean dwarf virus. Milk vetch dwarf virus (MVDV) has been classified as a probable member of the luteovirus group by Matthews.