One of the puzzlements that arise in writing about consumer education materials in the food safety area is the diversity of the audience. Besides growers, sellers, packagers, and users, there are government officials, academics, environmentalists, and advocates for various causes. This chapter summarizes the points that should be considered by someone either producing consumer education material or responsible for its production. Food safety and food will be the subject of some if not all of these resources. Before getting into the do's and don'ts, it might be useful to repeat the distinction which SOCAP, the Society of Consumer Affairs Professionals in Business, draws between three related types of material. These are found in the brochure entitled, "Guidelines for Business Sponsored Consumer Education Materials,"13 a 1982 pamphlet offering excellent advice to business people. One suggestion that has been picked up is the development of a feedback mechanism to be included along with every piece of consumer education material distributed.