Cultivated for the seeds which have a musk-like odor and yield the exalting agent ambrette, an aromatic oil used in perfumery. Ambrette seed and its tincture are used in vermouths and bitters. Tagalogs of the Philippines use a decoction for cancer of the stomach. The mucilaginous seeds are used for emollients and demulcents. Seeds, pulverized and made into a paste with milk, are used to treat prickly heat and itch. Cassie perfume, distilled from the flowers, yields cassie absolute, employed in preparation of violet bouquets, extensively used in European perfumery. A gummy substance obtained from pods is used as cement for broken crockery. Gum exuding from trunk considered superior to gum arabic. Aconite roots are relatively unimportant in the US, but are cultivated in Europe. Aconite was formerly used internally as a febrifuge and gastric anesthetic, and veterinarily to lower blood pressure and slow the circulation.