Multimedia-Based Training (MBT) can use a multiplicity of media: text, image, audio, video, and animation. MBT can support conventional instructional strategies ranging from guided tours, matching exercises, drill and practice, questions and answers, to simulation, scenarios, games, and more. Multimedia can be used to create interfaces that suspend disbelief so that users are motivated to try things over and over until mastery is achieved. Task analysis is crucial for defining the MBT interface requirements. This is where the core performance skills are clarified and from which scenarios are created. Interfaces really are the machines that make MBT work. The more consistent and believable the machine, the greater the suspension of disbelief and the more engaging the training. The training audience in banking includes internal and external customers from around the world. The MBT interface reflects a corporate bank environment with marble pillars and a surreal three-dimensional representation of time.