This chapter provides a brief description of some of the less common fermented legumes. Nigerian fermented oil beans are called ugba by the Ibos and ukana by the Efiks. These fermented foods are consumed throughout western and central Africa, but predominantly by the Ibos and other smaller ethnic groups of eastern Nigeria. Achinewu studied the protein quality of raw and 3-day fermented beans. Both the raw and fermented beans had a negative protein efficiency ratio and food conversion efficiency in rats. The unsalted and unspiced black gram paste can be fermented for 6 to 24 hr and used in the preparation of wada and pakorian. The fermented paste is pan- or deep-fried as small flat round donut shaped balls and then soaked briefly in water. The flavor of inyu becomes more intense following cooking, thus differing from soy sauce. There are very few published reports on the composition and flavor components of inyu.